
A vivid, unpleasant mental image (as in a nightmare) conjured in broad daylight, such as an impending crash, or a thought of a loved one in distress, which can cause a strong emotional response such as fear or horror.

Scott still isn’t home from the game, and I’m having such a daymare! I know he’s stretched out on the pavement somewhere.


Alt-Reich: An Intentional play on the word “Altreich”. which is an actual German word meaning Old Empire and can refer to Germany’s pre-WWI territories or even it’s territories as the Holy Roman Empire, i.e. the countries Hitler tried to take back.

The Alt-Right’s current message and tone very much resembles Hitler’s infamous 3rd Reich, and thus in slang terms could be called the “Alt-Reich”.


Trumpflakes are people that blindly defend Donald Trump, no matter insane or bat-shit crazy the case may be. They are basically flakes that defend Donald Trump by calling everyone ‘snowflakes’.

In a press conference, Donald Trump said that there were maybe a million, million and a half people at his Inauguration (an obvious lie).

Trumpflakes immediately defended their (mostly, kind of, a little) fearless leader.