secure the bag

An expression use to describe the act of taking/obtaining advantage of the situation and keep something of value.

1. Play your cards right and secure the bag.

2. Be an intern and work full-time hours. That’s how you secure the bag.

3. I cut him/her off but I secured the bag.

4. Friend 1: He/she said he/she wants to make it up to me.

Friend 2: There’s your chance to secure the bag.

Stream sniping

Stream sniping is when someone watches your stream to get an upper hand to essentially cheat against you in a game. For example, they could find your position on an open-world map, find out where your base is, or even find out when you’re low on health, so they can ambush you. It sucks. The deveopers of Rust, Facepunch Studios… are (to my knowledge), the first game developers to build a preventative measure against it into their game. They call it Streamer Mode.

Hey, its Edward Longface again! Ahhhh!!! Why did he shoot at me?! He probably knew my plan. He must be stream sniping!


someone who didn’t do it, but is being pronounced guilty anyway. He is the opposite of OJ, who did it, but got off scott free.

That No-J was convicted of killing his family. But I think someone just snuck in and killed them while he slept. If you just killed your family, could you just go back to sleep?


Jane needs to let her No-J boyfriend off the hook. Just because he has a hot co-worker doesn’t mean they’re doing it.


someone who didn’t do it, but is being pronounced guilty anyway. He is the opposite of OJ, who did it, but got off scott free.

That No-J was convicted of killing his family. But I think someone just snuck in and killed them while he slept. If you just killed your family, could you just go back to sleep?


Jane needs to let her No-J boyfriend off the hook. Just because he has a hot co-worker doesn’t mean they’re doing it.