
Stan means you look up to that person, you watch them or you truly love their content. It’s another word for saying you idolize someone or something. You would say, “I stan _____” instead of I “I love that person”

“We stan legends only” “We stan”

“we stan noiz”

doing the most

when a person does way more than is required from the situation.

The English word for “doing the most” is: “Supererogation” which is defined as; “the act of performing more than is required by duty, obligation, or need”

Dude 1: Did you hear John did today’s homework and tomorrow’s homework?

Dude 2: Yeah, John is always trying to impress the teacher, so he’s always doing the most.

If you want to be fancy

Dude 2: Yes, John tries to impress the teacher, but doing homework which has not be assigned amounts to supererogation.

doing the most

when a person does way more than is required from the situation.

The English word for “doing the most” is: “Supererogation” which is defined as; “the act of performing more than is required by duty, obligation, or need”

Dude 1: Did you hear John did today’s homework and tomorrow’s homework?

Dude 2: Yeah, John is always trying to impress the teacher, so he’s always doing the most.

If you want to be fancy

Dude 2: Yes, John tries to impress the teacher, but doing homework which has not be assigned amounts to supererogation.