Apple Picking

When someone steals Apple Products such as iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches, and other stuff created by Apple.

Person 1: Some guy was Apple Picking his iPhone.

Person 2: I still have my iPad on my backpack to avoid that Apple Picker.

Person 1: I think that guy wanted an iPhone so bad.

Person 2: I hope I don’t get robbed…

anchor baby

What your girlfriend hopes to achieve by “forgetting” to taker her pill, thus guaranteeing that you’ll have to spend the rest of your now ruined life with her… or that you’ll have to run from the law forever to avoid child support.

I caught my girlfriend flushing her pill and poking holes in all the condoms… I think she wants an anchor baby.

Phone Groping

That moment when you lose your phone and you immediately freak and start groping your self to find it.

Male: Hey can you call someone for me?

Female; Sure. *looks for phone* Crap! Where’s my phone?! *starts to grope self*

Male: Did you start Phone Groping your self?

Female: Yes.

Male: That’s hot.

bish whet

a polite way of saying bitch what, specially to someone who has annoyed you.

Also can be used as an annoying term on Vine.

Can also be used purely for fun.

Kaylee-“Fast and furious is terrible.”

Darfur & Jenn- “Bish whet”

Darcie-“Kaylee has a boyfriend”

Jenn-“Bish whet”

Thesaurus Rex

A person who uses a word program or internet thesaurus in order to make their papers or written works appear smarter by replacing common words with larger or uncommon words.

The phrontistery is a Thesaurus Rex’s wet dream.

“Since when does Bismark use the word jackanapes?”

“Since he became a Thesaurus Rex.”