trifling bitch

A backdoor girl. One who can’t be trusted. A girl who is all about opportunity and doesn’t care who gets hurt. Her feelings are never real and turned on and off based on “what’s in it for her”. As a friend, you can never confide in them, because if it suits them, they will betray you without a second thought. As a girlfriend, well let’s say, you are in for an emotional roller coaster and she at the controls. But it won’t be long before she finds what she thinks is a better ride and you will be conveniently shelved, to fuck with later. Dont bring her around any of your successful friends unless you are trying to get rid of her.

“Wow, I just saw your boyfriend with Sarah, I thought she was your best friend? What a trifling bitch!”

what are those?

an exclamation shouted by social media users everywhere when referring to someone without “shoe game”. originated as a vine, and can sometimes be funny, but lots of lame people don’t say it with enough force and end up looking extremely awkward.

kid: “mom, I got one question for you.”

mom: “oh alrigh-”

kid: “what are those? .” *points to moms loafers*


1. A congressmen or representative who say they represent their people but rather pursue self interests

2. An elected official who claims to believe one way but votes the opposite

3. A politician who holds office who lied to his constituents just to get their votes and contributions

4. A congressmen or representative who’s campaign is paid for by a wealthy contributor(s) to fool the people that he is to represent into believing he has their best interests in mind when in fact he’s doing the bidding of the wealthy contributor(s).

I voted for those dumbasses and they don’t reflect my opinion at all. Instead of representatives they should be called misrepresentatives, he ain’t no representative he’s a misrepresentative.

“The wealthy Electric and Coal Corporations paid for your campaign congressman,” said the lobbyist, “you need to vote against that bill, even though you and I know it would be in the best interest of the people in your district to breathe clean air.”