pearl clutcher

An uptight person, usually but not always female, usually but not always of conservative mores, who reacts with shock, feigned or otherwise, at other people’s violations of decorum, propriety, morality, and so forth.

Someone got up at the PTA meeting and suggested the school hand out condoms to teenagers. The pearl clutchers in the audience nearly went into cardiac arrest.

The Mierdas Touch

The ability to turn everything one touches to shit.

The phrase is a mash up of the King Midas myth of being cursed that everything he touched turned to gold and mierdas, which is the spanish word for shit.

There is some controversy as to whether the object touched was already a piece of shit with an exceedingly thin veneer of gold plating, where the Mierdas Touch serves only to reveal the subject’s true nature versus the Mierdas Touch actually turning any object into shit, even if it was previously unblemished.

The doctor was beloved by all until he was touched the Mierdas Touch, wherein, it came to light that the doctor was constantly drunk, mis-prescribed drugs, and belittled underlings.

Heart Horny

Horny for love, not really for sex, just for someone to cuddle with and love you unconditionally. a feeling that occurs when you a haven’t been in a relationship/haven’t been in one for awhile.

“idk, just felt really heart horny yesterday.”


“just, wanted to have someone, idk.”

Heart Horny

Horny for love, not really for sex, just for someone to cuddle with and love you unconditionally. a feeling that occurs when you a haven’t been in a relationship/haven’t been in one for awhile.

“idk, just felt really heart horny yesterday.”


“just, wanted to have someone, idk.”

Big Chop

Big Chop or ‘BC’ is when a person cuts their hair to obtain the ‘natural’ state. The person cuts out the hair dye, chemical perm, or relaxer from their hair.

Lots of women cut/chop the relaxer or perm from their hair to begin or continue the growth of their natural hair. Meaning that they’ve done the Big Chop.

My BC was January 1st and I’ve been experiencing my curls and learning new styles for short hair.

outrage fatigue

noun. outrage fatigue. the exhaustion and entropy that occurs from too much outrage. Occurs in waves, often during peak election cycles. Outrage fatigue tends to afflict politically active people, and can be worse when your party is not in power, or has a power deficit. It escalates during environmental catastrophes, especially ones that are caused by human negligence. It also develops during troublesome economic times like corporate bailouts and high unemployment. Outrage fatigue may threaten close friendships.

After the week of union protests in Madison, I’m finished. I have serious “outrage fatigue”.

When I heard about the latest military intervention in Libya, I was stunned by my apathy,lack of concern and disinterest. This is my worst ever episode of “outrage fatigue”.