The book off

The act of getting a book out on the train, tube bus or plane in order to avoid talking to the person next to you. Substitutes include a newspaper, phone or iPod.

Person one: “Blablabla isn’t the weather terrible blablabla”

Person two: (gets book out thus giving Person one “The book off”)

Person one stops talking.

Manufactured Outrage

A falsified righteous outrage at things that are basically unimportant and meaningless, frequently employed by politicians, political activists, or the media. Politicians and talking heads use it to garner support for their causes, to claim the moral high ground and to tar their opponents; the media often just uses it in a cynical bid to increase ratings.

Manufactured outrages of note include Nipplegate, the Monica Lewinski scandal, the 2009 tea partys, backmasked satanic lyrics, lapel pin controversies…

Just about any time you hear any politician, activist, or radio show host getting outraged about anything, really. The louder and angrier they get, the harder they’re working at manufacturing it.

Manufactured Outrage

A falsified righteous outrage at things that are basically unimportant and meaningless, frequently employed by politicians, political activists, or the media. Politicians and talking heads use it to garner support for their causes, to claim the moral high ground and to tar their opponents; the media often just uses it in a cynical bid to increase ratings.

Manufactured outrages of note include Nipplegate, the Monica Lewinski scandal, the 2009 tea partys, backmasked satanic lyrics, lapel pin controversies…

Just about any time you hear any politician, activist, or radio show host getting outraged about anything, really. The louder and angrier they get, the harder they’re working at manufacturing it.

Glam Shaming

Glam shaming takes place when one person shames another for grooming, primping or spending extra time (most often in inappropriate places) adjusting or fixing their appearance.

Damn, Tiffani! Will you please stop brushing your hair and applying lip gloss during grandpa’s memorial service!

Tiffani: Shut up! Stop glam shaming me!

White People Shit

Also known as “WPS”. Usually associated with extreme sports, activity with dangerous animals, or large acts of terrorism.

Tyrone: “What are you doing?”

Blake: “Prepping for this wingsuit course I’m going to take off the crest of Mount Everest. You should come!”

Tyrone: “Naw man. That’s some white people shit.