AM radio and chill

A primitive version of “Netflix and chill”, which older generations did and what some hipsters still do.

little kid: “Grandpa, where did I come from?”

Grandpa: “Well kid you’re grandma and I made whoopee in the back of a station-wagon to the sound of sweet static that was part of AM radio and chill, which led to your daddy, which led to you!”

Guy: “Hey we could Netflix and chill”

Hipster girl: “I’m more of an AM radio and chill kind of person”

Guy: “If you say so, Daisy Buchanan…”

AM radio and chill

A primitive version of “Netflix and chill”, which older generations did and what some hipsters still do.

little kid: “Grandpa, where did I come from?”

Grandpa: “Well kid you’re grandma and I made whoopee in the back of a station-wagon to the sound of sweet static that was part of AM radio and chill, which led to your daddy, which led to you!”

Guy: “Hey we could Netflix and chill”

Hipster girl: “I’m more of an AM radio and chill kind of person”

Guy: “If you say so, Daisy Buchanan…”


The act of two individuals rubbing pelvic regions against each other in order to cause orgasm (implied while wearing denim trousers). Similar to dry-humping and “OTPHJ” (over-the-pants-hand-job).

It was casual Friday when I walked in the middle school bathroom only to find my history and Spanish teacher jeanjerking in the handicap stall. Good thing I didn’t come in a few minutes later to see the full-on OTPHJ.


An addiction to electronic devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Eddiction is characterized by the constant need to check your smartphone for the latest Facebook posts, Twitter updates, news, etc. People with eddiction prefer spending time browsing the Internet over social interaction.

Matt suffers from eddiction. He’s always updating his Twitter and posting instagram pics instead of chilling with me, the big brother he never had.


The smell that’s left inside a bathroom after someone else has taken a poop. This is an unpleasant smell (unless you like other people’s poop smells), and definitely not a smell you’d like to shower in.

Roommate #1: Did you just go poop in there?

Roommate #2: Yeah, man. Just had a huge cup of coffee and had to go!

Roommate #1: Alright, I’ll use the upstairs bathroom. I don’t want to shower in your afterpoop.