Milkshake Duck

Someone who gains sudden fame for something nice and positive, only to soon after be revealed as a deeply flawed character with terrible opinions and/or a shady past, often involving corrosive social/political ideologies, which quickly tarnishes their fame and the good will people momentarily had towards them.

“The whole internet loves Milkshake Duck, a lovely duck that drinks milkshakes! *5 seconds later* We regret to inform you the duck is racist” -@pixelatedboat via Twitter

Bona Dude

A modern legal term, _Bona Dude_ means “in good dude” in a cross of Legal Latin and Modern English. The term stresses the entirely “good dude” nature of the person to whom it refers. A “bona dude” is sincere and earnest about being a good dude.

First used by @SCOTUSblog on Twitter, 2017 June 26.

The Supreme Court of the United States lifts injunction against travel ban, except with respect to individuals with _bona dude_ relationship to the US.


An inverse analogue to “dog-years,” in which a dog is said to age seven years for every human year (which pre-Trump was the saddest of time warps known).

Now, “Trump-years” defines the human experience of aging one full human year (with all the ignominies that accompany aging) for every one month that that man is in office.

“My God, I’ve gone grey in just these three+ months, but of course, I am aging in Trump-years. By the time we get him out in 2020 I will be over one hundred Trump-years-old! ”