Now watch this drive

Words uttered by President George W. Bush to the media (on a golf course) after announcing his serious stance on global terrorism. Brought to light from Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11.

Quickly becoming an Internet meme for either Bush’s hypocrisy or a segue into a non-sequitor.

“I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive.” (Swings)

– G.W. Bush

turkey tap

When someone (usually male) taps another male on the nutsack firmly enough to elicit a short burst of testicular pain.

“Man, I actually prefer getting snapped in the ass with a wet towel in the locker room now that the football team started turkey tapping me after P.E.”


A best friend of yours that has the same breast size as you

Kim: Hey look, it’s my breastie Emma. Let’s go say hi!

Mark: Breastie?

Kim: yeah, she’s my bestie and has the the same breast size as me.

Mark: let’s forget we ever had this conversation

Kim: Agreed