So it’s just this one turtle-shaped brass dish, but I like it. I started putting marbles in it as I found them.
That’s the thing with metal detecting. You never know what you’re going to find. Sometimes a marble will be a few inches down with a penny, or exposed on the surface, and after awhile you can fill up a turtle dish. Here are some of them in a different dish.

Most of the marbles I find are the transparent clear glass ones in various colors – the type sold in craft stores. My favorite here may be the peewee, top-left near the red marble. I’m fond of the multicolored one next to it, as well as the opaque green swirl and adjacent solid light purple.

Under UV light that peewee is bright orange – possibly from manganese.
I’d love to tell you more about marbles, but I don’t know much. After googling for some time, I know even less.
Marble Identification

(left to right) foreign cateye, white game marble (unknown maker), green swirl (unknown maker), Vitro all-red

Vitro yellow jacket, red 3-vane cateye (unknown maker), 3-color 3-vane cateye (Taiwan), lime green 3-vane cateye

Marble King rainbow, red game marble, black game marble, possibly a peewee Master patch – but probably foreign