Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?

A sarcastic phrase meant to downplay the complaint or misfortune of another person, similar to playing the world’s tiniest violin with one’s fingers.

It is a reference to the assassination of President Lincoln. Can be substituted with any phrase referring to a tragic event, such as, “Other than that, how was the flight, Sullie?”

“I just found out I have to work this weekend.”

“Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?”

Depressive Aggressive

When a person in casual conversation drops extremely depressing information in an order to derail the conversation to a more depressing state.

Person 1:”Hey this restaurant is really great!”

Person 2: “Yeah, but that time I was here my ex punched me in the face.”

Person 1: “…fuck…way too be depressive aggressive.”

where is this coming from

An excuse used by shitty people to deny ownership or knowledge of their bad qualities. Can also be used to devalue and avoid change or responsibility over what the other person said to them. In either case, the speaker feigns surprise at these “new” and “unexpected” things they are being told.

Translates directly into “you’ve taken all my shit before, why the sudden backbone?” and/or “I’ve known this for awhile, but why bring it up now?”

Ellie: You lie to my face and behind my back, we only hang out when you need something, you ditch me the second you get a boyfriend and come running back the second he leaves you, and you give me your clothes that are too tight and then tell people you gave them to me because they were too big. You’re a bad friend, and I’m so done with you.

Christie: Whoah, where is this coming from?

Dan: We’ve been friends for a long time and obviously you know I like you because I go above and beyond the call of duty of friendship, so now that you’re single, maybe we can go on a date?

Jamie: A date? Like romantic? But you’re my friend. Where is this coming from?

flat earther

a person who does not accept or is out of touch with the realities/ beliefs of modern times;

one who blatantly dismisses/ disagrees with common knowledge or scientific findings.

Joe doesn’t even believe the planet is round, or that we landed on the moon… he’s a flat earther.

basic white girl

A female who conforms to her surroundings and claims she is unique. She often drinks Starbucks, wears Ugg boots in August, and posts selfies on social networking sites every. single. day. Also uses hashtags that don’t have anything to do with the picture itself.

Girl 1: Hey, let’s go to Starbucks and wear leggings with Uggs!

Girl 2: OMG YES. We are so basic!

Girl 1: Take a picture! Hashtag yay us, basic white girls, Starbucks, bye, like, what