ball and socket

A ball and socket occurs when one bro goes in for the fist and the reciprocating bro acts as if he is gona bump too, but instead grabs the bros fist and shakes in a pivoting motion making for an awkward moment. Thus the ball and socket has been created.

Bro 1: Fuck yea! (Goes for the fist bump)

Bro 2: (secretly going in for the bro move with alterior motives, and grabs the fist and shakes)

Bro 1: awe shit man the ol’ Ball and Socket!




An intentional lack of regard for danger or negative consequences to strategically help yourself. Using cowboyitis is a cunning tactic to provide self gain.

Sales Work Environment:

Client is avoiding purchase a product

James (sales rep): Why is it you do not want to buy this product?

Clay (customer): Cuz’ man, this is expensive

James (now irritated after working with this client for 30 mins): Look man, this is the best of the best and there is no other place you can get this product. You either purchase it today or walk away and feel unsatisfied every time you look at women.

Clay (shocked but not offended): Ok you have a point, I’m not going to wait to make this purchase anymore. Ring me up

James completes the order and walks to Melissa, his sales manager.

Melissa: Give me a high five James, Great Job. That was pure Cowboyitis! Did not know you had that quality.


People who had a good professional job and (usually) a house which had significantly increased in value – but then they realised that by selling the house and moving to another (usually rural, far cheaper) area of the country, they could ‘downshift’ their lives and yet still have a small fortune in the bank + less stress, less work, more time with the family, more money.

See also: downshifting.

I know a couple who downshifted from their £2.1m house in London. She was in teaching, he was an accountant. Now they run a great little art gallery during the summer in the wilds of the Derbyshire Peak District, and just make art and teach their kids for most of the year.”


People who had a good professional job and (usually) a house which had significantly increased in value – but then they realised that by selling the house and moving to another (usually rural, far cheaper) area of the country, they could ‘downshift’ their lives and yet still have a small fortune in the bank + less stress, less work, more time with the family, more money.

See also: downshifting.

I know a couple who downshifted from their £2.1m house in London. She was in teaching, he was an accountant. Now they run a great little art gallery during the summer in the wilds of the Derbyshire Peak District, and just make art and teach their kids for most of the year.”


1. The act of insulting someone via a reference to an embarrassing event in their past. The term was popularized by a scene in “Goodfellas” in which Billy Batts admonishes Tommy DeVito for his subservient childhood job by exclaiming “go home and get your f**kin shinebox.”

2. Attacking someone for previous shameful actions, giving the impression said acts are indelible.

Mike opted to avoid attending his high school reunion, knowing they’d remember his loss of bladder control in gym class and be shineboxing him all night.