ugly sleep

Acquired during the deepest stages of a much-needed restful night; when you’re so sleep, you sleep through alarms, often with mouth ajar, face planted against the sheets.

I tried to wake you up in time for the bus but you were in a deep ugly sleep. I couldn’t bring myself to interrupt

lol’d irl

Laughed out loud, in real life. For when you actually, legitimately, do laugh out loud after reading something. Not the pity ‘lol’ you throw down just to be polite or because you don’t know what the fuck else to say.

When I was reading your texts on the bus, I lol’d irl and everyone stared at me like I had mental issues.

special snowflake

The Special Snowflake (Also referred to as one with the “Special Snowflake Syndrome” or “SSS”) is a person who believes they are different and unique from everyone else because of something there are or do. This thing they are or do, most commonly is something is something many many other people are doing, E.G. Genderfluid, Therian (Otherkin), etc. Special Snowflakes almost always have a superiority complex.

Some Special Snowflakes are protesting at Target because they aren’t allowed to wear their costumes inside.