Another painting in the series of resurrected works of noted artists, suitable for Easter gatherings.
The famous Peeps®. How people reproach me for them! And yet, could you stuff my peep down your gullet? No, it’s just a representation, is it not? So if I had written on my picture “This is a peep,” I’d have been lying!
For a fun discussion on irrealism and Magritte’s original work, see G.S. Evans’ This could be a pipe: Foucault, irrealism and Ceci n’est pas une pipe.
La Trahison de Pâques: Acylic on canvas, 20″ x 16″.

2009 Winner of the Washington Post’s Peeps Diorama Contest – Melissa Harvey’s take on Edward Hopper’s Nighthawk. Yep – Hopper.
The recent discovery of a similar Magritte/Peep-inspired composition – a drawing by another local artist posted on facebook in 2013 – led to a discussion of the Zeitgeist, as well as a renewed Internet search for other like pieces. The hunt readily turned up a half-dozen or more others, including a painting, several drawings, digital images, and a t-shirt worn by a conference attendee in 2006.
Additionally, there are annual events where people gather to display Peeps® related art, like the Washington Post’s Peep Diorama contest.
And there’s more! If you have some Peeps related art, consider entering it in the Racine Art Museum’s Annual International PEEPS Art Competition.