The growing volume of people and places that can give you [the corona virus]. Handshakes, desk [surfaces], door [handles], sneezes…
The growing volume of people and places that can give you [the corona virus]. Handshakes, desk [surfaces], door [handles], sneezes…
The growing volume of people and places that can give you [the corona virus]. Handshakes, desk [surfaces], door [handles], sneezes…
Voluntell is when you [volunteer] [someone else] to do something and then [tell them] to do it.
adult who gets angry over chldish things and over reacts, much like a baby when its [toys] are taken away.
a [dummy] is also called [a pacifier] that is placed in a babies mouth. when it wants to scream it spits the dummy out.
noun. The appearance of careful consideration, importance, substance, or profundity while lacking each.
Adjective: [thinky].
[cf]. [truthiness]
Toxic Positivity is the belief that, “if you just [stay positive], you will [overcome] any [obstacle],” to such a degree that you invalidate natural emotional responses and the person having those feelings.
[Curious] about staying [sober] for more than a few days but not willing to not drink myself into [oblivion]…..
A Green Flag is the direct opposite of [a Red Flag]. You know those things we know at the start of a relationship we avoid. Typically [Red Flags] are not as desirable as Green Flags considering Green Flags are often mature, responsible, honest, virtuou…
Joy of Missing Out: You’re enjoying what you’re doing in [the here and now] and not on social media [broadcasting] or seeing what everybody else is doing. Opposite of [fomo] or the fear of missing out.
Creating the impression of public support by paying people in the public to pretend to be supportive.
The false support can take the form of letters to the editor, postings on message boards in response to [criticism], and writing to politicians in su…
A typically grumpy person known most commonly for ruining someone’s [good mood], or crashing someone’s party, or being an overall unpleasant person to be around. Could also be used to refer to an [inanimate object], or a boring task.
Synonyms would in…
To [devolve] back into monkeys by [rejecting] [modernity] and embracing a primitive lifestyle.
The [eerie], inescpapable feeling that [this shit] has [happened] to you before.
When after 4 days of sitting on the sidelines you decide to join the stock market and buy a 0 [DTE] SPY 420 Call only to watch SPY [plummet] 7% initiating a [circuit breaker] 3 seconds after you click the buy button.