jackass of all trades
[A person] who is exceptionally [bad] at [everything].
[A person] who is exceptionally [bad] at [everything].
As [stated] in Friends: “Two friends [who care] a lot about each other and have [amazing sex] and just wanna spend more time together.”
When a member of an online community announces they are leaving, usually after a [protracted] [disagreement] with other members of [the community].
When a [white person] has purposely made themselves appear [black] on [the internet]
A mother who is [sanctimonious] about her [parenting] choices. Looks down at and/or [judges] parents who don’t make the same choices. A combination of the words “sanctimonious” and “mommy”
[Tactical] [spooning] is the militarised version of the civillian term spoon or spooning;
When applied to the military, the act of [tactical] spooning is not a romantic exchange, but rather an act of survival and the desire to stay warm in harsh envi…
A [bloviating], self appointed douche bag who thinks he/ she is an [expert]. They are usually an expert in [brown nosing].