state raised

Term used to describe an individual who spent the greater part of their childhood in some form of government funded situation (Foster care/Welfare/Juvenile Detention Centers) and as an adult in prison and/or jail adjusts to their plight shockingly easy often seeming to thrive whilst incarcerated . Usually, but not necessarily used as an insult.

Hey man you see that dude eatin’ everybody green beans in the chow hall?

Shit… I saw That State raised motherfucker eating straight out the garbage last week.


You think Ray Ray said anything to the Guards about us gambling?

Naw Ray Ray been in & out since we was kids he’s state raised fo real, ain’t no snitch in em


Bathroom Time Off – Similar to PTO (Personal Time Off), one can easily achieve 40 hours of additional vacation time by taking a daily 9.23 minute dump at work. Executive types and employees with seniority can often increase their BTO up to 60 hours/year by extending their bathroom sessions out to 13.85 minutes.

Damn! I’ve got to level 168 on Candy Crush this year just on BTO alone.

I took so much BTO this morning that my legs went numb!

Thank god the company WiFi reaches the bathroom or I would’ve use $30 bucks in data while taking BTO this week.


Bathroom Time Off – Similar to PTO (Personal Time Off), one can easily achieve 40 hours of additional vacation time by taking a daily 9.23 minute dump at work. Executive types and employees with seniority can often increase their BTO up to 60 hours/year by extending their bathroom sessions out to 13.85 minutes.

Damn! I’ve got to level 168 on Candy Crush this year just on BTO alone.

I took so much BTO this morning that my legs went numb!

Thank god the company WiFi reaches the bathroom or I would’ve use $30 bucks in data while taking BTO this week.

Mad Oh

(Originating from the streets of Lagos, Nigeria) An expression of surprise, shock or astonishment often caused by something unexpected or mind blowing. It can be used as an adjective in some cases.

Mad oh is very dynamic hence, it is also a valid /sarcastic reply to any statement whatsoever. In cases where you are tired of a conversation, mad oh will do a lot of good because of its conversation terminating abilities.

You got A in that test? Mad Oh!

This movie is gonna be Mad Oh!

Boy: I think I’m in love with you

Girl: Mad Oh!