Didn’t Do List

When you get the great idea to start making ToDo lists at work, of which’s items only a fraction get done. As the list grows after a few days, weeks, whatever, you begin to realize you’ve made a huge list of things you intended to do but never got done.

Every morning at work, I add more things I should do to my didn’t do list, then go on an hour and a half coffee break to flirt with the girl downstairs and otherwise waste company time.

Didn’t Do List

When you get the great idea to start making ToDo lists at work, of which’s items only a fraction get done. As the list grows after a few days, weeks, whatever, you begin to realize you’ve made a huge list of things you intended to do but never got done.

Every morning at work, I add more things I should do to my didn’t do list, then go on an hour and a half coffee break to flirt with the girl downstairs and otherwise waste company time.