
Alt-Reich: An Intentional play on the word “Altreich”. which is an actual German word meaning Old Empire and can refer to Germany’s pre-WWI territories or even it’s territories as the Holy Roman Empire, i.e. the countries Hitler tried to take back.

The Alt-Right’s current message and tone very much resembles Hitler’s infamous 3rd Reich, and thus in slang terms could be called the “Alt-Reich”.


Trumpflakes are people that blindly defend Donald Trump, no matter insane or bat-shit crazy the case may be. They are basically flakes that defend Donald Trump by calling everyone ‘snowflakes’.

In a press conference, Donald Trump said that there were maybe a million, million and a half people at his Inauguration (an obvious lie).

Trumpflakes immediately defended their (mostly, kind of, a little) fearless leader.


In a political context – In favor of large, intrusive government that violates or suppresses individual rights; characterized by a “law and order” approach; failing to support civil liberties and/or economic freedom in society; undemocratic

In a non-political context – Bossy, controlling, domineering

People with authoritarian views, agendas, or personalities rarely describe themselves as authoritarian, but can often be spotted when they try to rationalize some government control as being necessary “for national security”, “for public safety”, “for the children”, or “for your own good”.

The longer Senator Bullwrap stayed in office, the more authoritarian he became.